canine and feline grooming service
Provides coverage both pets requiring services of hygiene or aesthetics as those needing Dermatologic therapy, since in specialties such as Dermatology, the champuterapia is a fundamental tool for the resolution of a multitude of diseases.
Special hairdressing services are:
-Hygienic treatments: all of them include hygiene bath, dried and brushed. A. cut comercialB. Cut to tijeraC. Court from exhibitionD. Strippin
-Dermatological treatment: applied under the supervision of the veterinary responsable for the specialty of Dermatology of the veterinary team, who both decide the frequency of baths such as the type of product required for each type of dermatopatia, and that will be applied by the canine Centre hairdresser:
A. therapeutic courts: Rasuramos hair for hygiene in pets with layer in poor condition , which predisposes to develop skin diseases, or treatment suitable skin in patients with dermatological problems (crusting, suppurative lesions or pustules)
B. Champuterapia: service that adapts to the needs of every pet. Therapeutic shampoo treatments are varied depending on the symptoms to be treated: allergies, itching, seborreas, peeling… First applies a bath to clean the fur and subsequently treatment shampoo is applied through a massage, in such a way that it maintains the product acting on the skin between 10-20 minutes to achieve the desired therapeutic action.
C. skin hydration: suitable for animals that have abundant scaly, crusted lesions, itching, hair excessively dry or matte, or dry skin, which may predispose to cutaneous pathologies. Recommended frequency of weekly bath with topical treatment in massage of fatty acids, which soothes the itching and promotes healing of the lesions in the long run.