Servicios » Veterinary Specialties » infectious diseases


Treatment of infectious diseases in animals Madrid

At Vetcare Veterinary Hospital 24 hours, we deal with the treatment of infectious diseases in animals in Madrid. This type of pathologies must be treated very precisely, completely eliminating the agent that causes it from the organism and taking great care that no other animal around can be contagious during the time in which the treatment is applied.

Infectious diseases are quite common, especially in dogs and cats, but also in exotic animals. The agents that cause these ailments are called pathogens and acquire the most diverse forms. The most widespread are the microscopic organisms: viruses, bacteria and protozoa.

You have to know how to distinguish each infection, through specific diagnostic tests because some are specific to an animal or even a specific breed. As we have a modern and complete laboratory of our own, we can establish the most accurate diagnosis based on blood tests and other tests that help us identify the causative organism and the source of origin.

We treat all kinds of infectious diseases and we are also experts in diagnosis

In our center we have the adequate facilities to attend veterinary hospitalizations for whatever reason, be it an infection or a surgical intervention. In our recovery room, the animals feel at home and, what is more important, they are permanently monitored by professionals, which is much more effective for their healing than if they go home.

Vetcare Veterinary Hospital 24 hours, has more than 20 years of experience in treating all types of pathologies, so we can deal with any case that comes our way. We serve the entire area of ​​Madrid Norte: El Saz, El Casar, Alcobendas, Algete, Cobeña, Algete, Talamanca, Valdetorres, Paracuellos, Barajas, Daganzo, Alalpardo, Alcala de Henares, Torrejon de Ardoz, Alcobendas or San Sebastián de los Kings.

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