In Vetcare Veterinary Hospital we are specialists in veterinary neurology .
The Veterinary Neurology is the branch of the medicine in charge of the study of the Pathologies that they affect to the Central and Peripheral Nervous system in our domestic animals.
The neurological symptoms can be very unspecific and changed in the pets: convulsions, alterations of the behavior, uncoordination, weakness of the extremities, immobility of the extremities, loss or alteration in the vision, pain, quakes, alterations of the balance … all of them must alert us of the presence of neurological illness that will have to be valued by a specialist promptly before it turns into an irreversible problem. In our Center the Service of Neurology and neurosurgery treats and values successfully many cases so much of proper clients as cases recounted by other Clinics.
Our Team of specialists realizes in neurological consultation a neurological exámen exahustivo to obtain a rapid and precise diagnosis, realizing specific diagnostic tests.
This specialty is very related to the veterinary Geriatrics since in all the Geriatric Checkups realized to pets from 7años, neurological evaluation is included also, for the precocious detection of pathologies derived from the degeneration neuronal and that could compromise its quality of life. They usually need quite complicated treatments and, sometimes, surgery, therefore it is advisable to come to the veterinarian as soon as the first symptoms appear. If its pet presents abnormal symptomatology that could be related to the System Nervous, he asks for appointment in our Center as soon as possible. We attend to him 365 days of the year, 24 hours of the day,
We Detect any neurological problem thanks to our diagnosis hardware
We attend to chaos clinical in the whole north area of Madrid. Contact with us if he wants more information.