Servicios » Veterinary Specialties » Medicina interna


Internal Medicine is the largest and most complex of all, where problems are located in the internal organs by non-surgical treatments discipline.

Most cases whose diagnosis is difficult, or multiple concurrent illnesses are described.

Our team, specializing in small animal internal medicine, is also led by Dr. Sara Gil Edwards has over 20 years experience in Internal Medicine.

Internal Medicine is the pillar of splitting the different subspecialties such as:

medical specialty covering diseases affecting primarily the bladder and urethra.

The most frequently diagnosed diseases are:

  • polyps
  • crystalluria
  • Lower urinary tract diseases of cats
  • urolithiasis
  • recurrente urinary tract infections.



It is the medical specialty devoted to the study of the structure and renal function.

Some of the diseases that are included in this area are:

  • renal insufficiency
  • kidney stones
  • pyelonephritis

Specialty refers the study of the upper respiratory tract (including nose, nasopharynx, larynx and trachea) and lower respiratory tract (bronchi and lungs).

Respiratory diseases most valued in our consultation are:

  • canine chronic bronchitis.
  • feline asthma
  • neoplasias
  • rhinitis


Specialty charge of the study of the digestive system.

Some of the diseases are diagnosed:

  • neoplasias
  • food alegrias
  • IBD / inflammatory bowel diseases.
  • gastrointestinal ulcers.

Our Hospital has pioneered the use of endoscopy in small animals and is also in Endoscopy Center and dereference minimally invasive surgery (laparoscopic), receiving cases reported from different areas of Madrid and other provinces of Spain.



medical specialty in charge of the study of the endocrine system.

Some of the diseases that are included in this area are:

  • diabetes
  • Cushing
  • hypothyroidism
  • ketoacidosis

** If you have any questions about our internal medicine service you can contact us:

-telephone 91 6200098

-mail: send us your query by email:

** For referrals from other clinical cases, send doc remission of clinical cases as usual protocol, or proceed to transmit data via telephone at 916 200 098.

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