Servicios » Veterinary Specialties » Veterinary Hidrotherapy


Hydrotherapy is the terminology used to describe water-based therapy.
It is commonly used in small animals, predominantly canine and feline, for the management of musculoskeletal, orthopedic or neurological pathologies: correction and rehabilitation of tonal or gait abnormalities, being an effective technique to improve muscle strength and endurance (including cardiovascular resistance), increase joint mobility, improve postural control, proprioception training, coordination and reduce the incidence of secondary musculoskeletal injuries.

The known properties of hydrotherapy also include:
-Reduction in pain
– Reduced muscle spacing: promotes relaxation.
-Increased muscle tone; muscle activation
-Edema reduced
An important property of hydrotherapy is the ability to regulate the weight-bearing load on the limbs by increasing or decreasing buoyancy. By reducing the load on the extremities, this can improve joint movement and coordination with or without the need for manual assistance from the therapist.
Hydrotherapy can be used as an independent modality or in conjunction with physiotherapy or acupuncture.
Hydrotherapy is used more frequently for pathologies such as:
-Rice of the cranial cruciate ligament.
-Hip hip dysplasia: dysplasia.
-Osteoarthritis Arthritis: osteoarthritis.

The physical properties of water can be varied to individualize the therapeutic effects for each patient. These include alteration of buoyancy, hydrostatic pressure and viscosity, and temperature variations:
Increased buoyancy and hydrotherapy resistance improves joint stability and reduces weight support in the muscles and joints.
The immersion in water leads to circumferential compression, in proportion to the depth of the water, which increases extravascular pressure, promoting circulation and reducing edema.
Varying the temperature of the water can lead to different effects:
-The hot water causes vasodilation, increased circulation and decreased muscle spasm.
– Cold water reduces inflammation by decreasing blood flow and inflammatory mediators.

Hydrotherapy can also be used as a physical maintenance regimen in patients with chronic conditions, for example, osteoarthritis.

The fundamental benefits of hydrotherapy are:
-Reduces the tensions in the extremities.
-Improves the range of motion of the joints.
– Improved aerobic capacity and strength.
– Greater cardiovascular and respiratory resistance.
-Reduces swelling and edema of the extremities

We recommend our new physiotherapy and hydrotherapy in our 1500m2 Veterinary Hospital Vetcare 24h in C / madrid, 37 28140 Fuente el Saz
Do not hesitate to call us and we will be happy to clarify any questions about the benefits for your pet at 916200098/609045384 by teleohone or mail

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