physiotherapy and rehabilitation

Service of rehabilitation and physiotherapy veterinary in madrid.

The physiotherapy animal is a part important of treatment for many disorders musculoesqueléticos (muscles, bones, joints, tissues soft) and neurological that is observed in animals small and pets exotic.

The physiotherapy can help to the animals to recover of a variety of conditions, as pain sharp or chronic, contractures muscular, fractures or injuries sports. Also is can use after surgery orthopedic, neurological or general, so as also for improve the biomecánica and the ability athletic of the animals.

The physiotherapy also is can use for the development of performance of athlete animal, helping to treat of minimize the risk of injuries and maximizing the performance of the animals of competition or of work.

The members of our team prodran offer in a variety of different techniques of treatment. After have made a evaluation exhaustive of its animal, is possible that use a combination of the following approaches for help with any problem identified the rehabilitation used the application of techniques of physiotherapy and reasoning clinical for check the pain and restore the movement.

The physiotherapy for pets must be made for a veterinarian for guarantee that the treatments correct and insurance is administered of way appropriate for guarantee that is meet the objectives of rehabilitation.

The physiotherapy must start to be carried out so soon as be possible after any diagnostic of lesion, surgery or diagnostic of conditions musculoesqueléticas or neurological of its veterinarian. Is can use many techniques and modalities manuals soft for help to reduce the pain, the inflammation and the rigidity, reduce the atrophy muscular and the degeneration of cartilage and stimulate the regeneration of the tissues. Us ensure of that the treatments are specific and soft for not risk the repair of the tissues damaged and in process of healing.

The program of treatment generally will include a variety of therapies manuals, exercises therapeutic and therapies physical for modular the healing and the pain selected individually for the patient and case clinical:

– laserterapia, laserpuntura

– magnetoterapia

– ultrasound

–  electroestimulacion and electroacupuntura ..

–  hydrotherapy and ribbon underwater

the physiotherapy veterinary has as objective promote the healing and restore the function normal of the animals. The programs of exercises of recovery will be individual and is used for help to promote patterns of movement correct and improve the brawn, the resistance, the flexibility, the propiocepción (the conscience of animal of where is found the extremities and the body in the space), the balance and the stability that are necessary, being particularly beneficial for:

– management of pain.

– improve or keep the mass muscular and the force.

– improvement or maintenance of the mobility to articulate.

– tissue soft, fracture and healing of injuries.

– improvement of the propiocepción, the balance and the force of core.

– management of problems related with the age.

The common pathologies   that benefy of the physiotherapy veterinary include:

disease of disk intervertebral (div)

embolism fibrocartilaginoso (fcem)

injuries of tissues soft (including injuries of muscles, tendons and ligaments) imbalances muscular injuries infected and repair of injuries

Maintenance general



displasia of elbow and hip disease

crusade dislocation of the kneecap

fractures of bone

prosthesis of hip

fission of head and neck femoral.

Amputation of extremities

rehabilitation postoperative

the strategies of physiotherapy used the combination of different techniques of treatment, is used a combination of therapies manuals, therapies physical and prescription of exercise, for guarantee results excellent for its pet:


* Manual therapies

the manual therapy  implies a variety of techniques of tissues soft, as massage, demonstrations joint and estiramientos, used so for evaluate as for treat to the patients: evaluate the anomalies of the tissues soft, liberation miofascial, estiramientos, restrictions joint and the presence of contractures muscular.

The massage therapeutic is used for treat the tension muscular and the tension that is produce as consequence of diseases joint and neurological. Includes a variety of techniques:

– effleurage is a technique calmative for the relaxation and for reduce the swelling.

– petrissage applies pressure moderate to deep for improve the circulation and the extensibilidad of tissue.

–  the friction crusade is used for break the adhesions and accelerate the healing muscular.

– the liberation of triggerpoints removed the areas sensitive and decrease the spasm.

In occasions use the massage together with the therapy thermal for relax to the patient and heat the muscles for improve the effect of any stretch, rank of movement to articulate and assure that the patients obtain the maximum benefit of other forms of therapy that incorporate.

The massage stimulates the endorphins that help to check the pain and reduce the anxiety

* Physical therapies  / electroterapias:

the use of equipment flor phisical therapeutic as ultrasound, laser, magnetoterapia, tens, and electroacupuntura.

Provide a multitude of benefits, that include relief of pain, repair of tissues soft and bones, regeneration of nerves, vasodilatación (that cause a flow blood enhanced in a area) and vasoconstricción (restriction of flow blood to a area i.e., useful for areas of inflammation).

* Prescription of exercise:

Sometimes the owners can need advice of management additional on the management therapeutic of its animal injured, or perchance how make the adaptations appropriate to the environment of home and the administration general of a animal for help in its rehabilitation: stretches assets rank of movement active improvements propioceptivas exercises of strengthening

the members of our team will address each case of form entirely individual, with a exhaustive record and a test that will guide the election of a plan of treatment individual optimum.

Nothing is always prescriptive, but that relies in the evaluation and reassessment constant of the problems of presentation and always is have in account the circumstances, the management and the behavior unique of each animal.

The legislation current for safeguard the welfare of the animals sets that the animals alone can be treated for physiotherapy for a veterinarian and for its assistants veterinary directed.

Can ask appointment and information by mail or phone










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