Service of endoscopy veterinary and surgery of minimum invasion madrid we put to disposal of our clients and of the clinical veterinarias that usually us refer cases, our service of endoscopy 24 hours and surgery of minimum invasion.
The endoscopy allows the visualization and inspection detailed of organ explored, so as the identification of injuries of character inflammatory, neoplásico or obstructive (bodies strange, estenosis..etc) the advantages of the endoscopy and surgery of minimum invasion
-better visualization of the structures anatomical.
-Recovery of the animals in less time and the decrease of the complications postoperative.
-collection of samples for its study laboratorial (histopatología, cultivation microbiological, etc.) for all it, offers high potential diagnostic, therapeutic and surgical for all the dogs, cats and animals exotic (nac) that usually go to our hospital, of form that improvement the management of certain pathologies infradiagnosticadas or impossible of diagnose through other tests diagnósticas conventional. endoscopic techniques need previous study preoperatorio complete that includes: analytical complete, tests of coagulation and electrocardiogram, already that all they require anesthesia general.
-Otoscopia technique endoscopic through the which is explores the conduit auditory external, the membrane timpánica and the ear half. Allows assess neoplasias and make biopsies of conduit auditory external, extraction of bodies strange, assess otitis half and cleanliness of noise timpánica in trepanation of the same, washing of ear half and miringotomía, or for election of the technique surgical for the treatment of otitis (ablation or zepp)
-broncoscopia technique endoscopic for the exploration of the windpipe and bronchi. This technique allows make extraction of bodies strange, washing broncoalveolar for cytology and assess cases of collapse of way respiratory high or low, so as of neoplasia respiratory for takes of samples for biopsy.
-Laringoscopia technique endoscopic through the which is explores the larynx for assess so movements physiological of the same, as its anatomy. Allows the extraction of bodies strange, assess neoplasias and make biopsies; and assess so same the cases of paralysis or estenosis laríngea, palate soft elongado and syndrome respiratory obstructivo in dogs braquicéfalos (syndrome braquicefalico).
-Rinoscopia technique endoscopic through the which explore the cavity nasal. Indicated for the extraction of bodies strange, assessment of neoplasias with takes of biopsies and of cases of rhinitis allergic or micosis.
-Gastroscopia technique endoscopic for the exploration of stomach and of duodenum. This indicated for the extraction of bodies strange; assessment of cases of neoplasias, vomiting and gastritis chronic, disease inflammatory intestinal, alterations of the motility or implementation of pólipectomías, placing of probes or gastropexia endoscopic.
-Esofagoscopia technique endoscopic for the exploration of esophagus. Indicated for the extraction of bodies strange and assessment of cases of estenosis esofágica, esofagitis, megaesofago, neoplasias and hernias of hiatus; and implementation of pólipectomías and dilatation endoscopic of estenosis.
-Colonoscopia technique endoscopic for the exploration of straight and colon. Allows assess cases of diarrhea chronicle, neoplasias, disease inflammatory intestinal, estenosis, intususcepcion ileo and cecocolica and parasitosis; so as make polipectomias and dilatation endoscopic of the estenosis.
-Cistoscopia technique endoscopic for the enabling explore the urethra and bladder of the urine. This technique this indicated for assess cases of trauma, cystitis chronicle, neoplasias, hematuria, ureter ectopic and estenosis uretrales and make extraction of urolitos and takes of samples.
-Vaginoscopia technique endoscopic for the enabling explore the zone vaginal. Indicated for assess cases of estenosis vaginal and neoplasias; and implementation of insemination artificial and takes of biopsies.
-Toracoscopia the toracoscopia is a technique surgical minimally invasive for half of the which is agrees to the cavity thoracic with the purpose of do procedures diagnoses, surgical or therapeutic. Indicated for treatment of diseases pulmonary, pleurales, or heart, so as takes of biopsies of pleura, lung, lymph nodes or heart.
-Laparoscopia technique endoscopy for the exploration of the cavity abdominal. Is a method minimally invasive through the which is notes the different bodies abdominal with the end of locate and describe pathologies or apply various techniques surgical. Allows the assessment of cases of neoplasias abdominal, injuries, pancreatitis, inadequacy renal, pancreatic or hepatic; implementation of surgery laparoscópica and takes of samples. As always, our great team of veterinary professional of center veterinarian in madrid them provides the methods of diagnostic and therapeutic more advanced in medicine or surgery to the service of its pets, for offer the better quality of attention veterinary so to the owners of pets as to the veterinary remitentes, fulfilling so with the certification of quality granted for the school official of veterinary of madrid to our hospital veterinarian.
** technology advanced in the service of diagnostic for image for its pets **