Servicios » 24Hs Surgery



Our Team of Surgeons Center with extensive experience and training, is responsible for surgical treatment of the different diseases that affect the skin, muscles, and internal organs (abdominal and thoracic).
DIGESTIVE: Esophagus, stomach, intestine, liver -> foreign bodies, intussusception, hepatic lobectomy, portosystemic shunts.
TORÁX: Lung, mediastinum or pleura -> pulmonary lobectomy; exploratory thoracotomy …
-CARDIAC AND VASCULAR: pericardium, vessels or heart -> Pericardiectomías, CAP, …
URINARY: Kidney, ureter, bladder and urethra -> nephrectomies, transposition of ureter, cistotomías ..
UROGENITAL: Ovaries, uterus, testis, vagina and prostate -> castrations, cysts / prostatic abscess, cesarean section ….
-CUTANEUS: Skin / muscle Surgery -> diaphragmatic hernias, abdominal, umbilical or perianal …
ENDOCRINOLOGY: Pancreatic, thyroid or adrenal glands -> insulinomas, thyroidectomy, adrenalectomies …
Neck AND FACE: palate, ear, nose and larynx. -> Brachycephalic syndrome, maxillectomies, mandibulectomies, Zeep, Ablation tympanic bulla, nasal resection of arytenoid lateralization …
ONCOLOGY: The various organ systems.
NEUROSURGERY: Our operating room is equipped with surgical motor, osteosynthesis material and specialized in neurosurgery. Therefore we can offer: Brain surgery and spine surgery as disc herniation, vertebral fractures, atlanto-axial dislocation, lumbosacral stenosis, resection of spinal tumors … etc.
Our team is on hand to offer advice on diagnosis, treatment or neurologic findings interpretation of NMR or CAT scan of their animals.
TRAUMATOLOGY: Resolution of bone fractures by osteosynthesis different systems, using various techniques of imaging to identify the different bone and joint problems facing their pets.

EXOTIC ANIMALS SURGERY:  our specialized team will solve any surgical problem of their exotic species: reconstruction of peaks in birds and shells in turtles, feather grafts, foreign bodies in turtles, rabbits, ferrets or snakes, retention of eggs in turtles and snakes, castrations in any usual exotic species, eye surgeries, resolution of abscesses, cysts and tumors in any usual exotic species, sexage..etc

All surgeries are performed after a thorough comprehensive review of each case including: Preoperative analytical, pre-anesthetic check and complementary imaging tests (X-ray, ultrasound, endoscopy, CT or MRI) as needed for each case.

All surgeries are performed after a thorough comprehensive review of each case including:

  • preoperative analitica
  • preanesthetic checkup
  • Complementary imaging tests: x-ray, ultrasound, endoscopy, CT or MRI according to the need of each case.
  • electrocardiogram
  • Coagulation tests, when necessary

Routine surgeries are outpatient setting, where the patient enters the morning fasted for 12 hours and in the evening it is discharged if stable.
In case of more complex surgeries, or cases that the patient or owner so decides, have service hospital and ICU for postoperative recovery.
Our operating rooms are equipped with modern anesthesia machines, monitors multiparameter vital signs, scalpels single and double pole, to minimize surgical risks.
The Veterinary equipment takes care of the animals from admission to discharge, being properly monitored during anesthesia and postoperative evolution by providing updated each case complete information.



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