Our Team


Vetcare veterinary Hospital is a medical-surgical referral center serving your pet 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

The center team consists of 10 xperienced veterinarians and 10Atv  to provide a qualifiedof high quality veterinary service.

Our center has the latest technology to attend your pets and provide more accurate diagnoses quickly and easily.

We have the possibility of 24-hour hospitalization for animals that require special attention and monitoring, surgical ICU open 24 hours and 24 hours with the team of surgeons always on call to assist your pets.

More than 10.000 annual consultations between different specialties, both own cases and cases referred from other veterinary centers.






Isidro Mateo

Neurosurgery Service

Eva C. Ramos

Neurology Service

Tatiana Hernández

Phisiotherapy and Veterinary Rehabilitation Service

Alícia Barbero

Image Diagnose Service and Advance Image diagnose Service

Miriam Ortiz

Oftalmology Service

David Osuna

Emergency Surgery Service

Sara Palou

Emergency Surgery Service

Alberto Garcia

Veterinary Emergency Service

Silvia Carabel

Veterinary Emergency Service

Jose Gomez

Veterinary Emergency Service

R Andrés

Veterinary Emergency Service

Sara Garralaga

Veterinary Oncology Service and Surgery

Sara Gil Edwards

  DMV GpCertFelv CVA and CVFT Director of the Veterinary Team. Soft tissue Surgery / Endoscopy Service. Feline Internal Medicine Service and Dermatology Service   […]

Tomas Gibello Gil

Veterinary center manager In charge of rrhh service of the center and management of purchases of the Hospital and rehabilitation service assistant.       […]

Angel Soutullo

Traumatology Service and Surgery Service

Beatriz San Andres

Atv Emergency Service

Pilar Herreros

Atv Emergency Service

Carla Rodríguez

Atv Emergency Service

Borja Mateo

Atv Day Service/ Receptionist

Sandra Valenzuela

Atv Day Service/ Receptionist

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